Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Save XP!

According to InfoWorld, Windows XP will no longer be sold after June 30, 2008. For those of us who are not big fans of the resource hogging Vista, this will be a blow to our sanity (not to mention our wallets). InfoWorld has started a "Save XP Petition". I understand that many people wish that Microsoft would just die and let Linux and OS X reign, understand that many of us would like a choice. For many, Vista is not a viable option for computing. It is slow, bloated, and buggy. Not to mention that there are five different versions available to choose from ranging from $129 -$399 for a OS! I am not saying that we should kill Vista and everyone go back to XP (although that doesn't sound too bad of an idea!) but Microsoft is making a stupid decision just to push their new OS. Sign the petition and hopefully MS will listen to the people who pay their bills - the end user!

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