Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not Geeky News But Still Awesome!!!

This blog usually features cool geekery but today is going to be a little different. My wife and I are having a baby and yesterday (April 1, 2008) we had an ultra-sound and we found out that we are going to be having a boy!! We are very happy. (especially since my boss has nine daughters and no boys!) I had heard that people who play with electronics too much are not able to have boys after a while. (case and point; my boss) Either this is an old wives tale or I was just lucky. Anyway, his due date is July 6th. We plan to name him Robert Steven Reed, after his grandfathers names. Pray for us during this time and I promise to bring you more geek stuff soon. I am planning on writing a post on how to build yourself a rock-solid $250 computer, with step by step pictures and directions. I have built this same computer for about five different people and have had zero problems with it. My aim is a fast, easily upgradeable, inexpensive, all around good computer. I, however, will have to wait until someone orders one again from me, because I really am a really cheap geek and can't afford my own wares.

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